How to plan your Homeschool

Writing this workbook up wasn’t my original plan.

I’m told pretty often that people don’t like doing too much work.

Homeschoolers are a different breed though. I stand by the fact that their dedication to their children and their children’s education trumps having to write, read, or think. It’s kind of all we do. Welcome!

I also have a love hate relationship with curriculum. Curriculum doesn’t teach your kiddo, you do. It’s the last thing to worry about before starting, and the other stuff to consider isn’t too scary so long as you know what it is.

That infographic gives you the full breakdown of what the workbook covers in a lot more depth.

In this workbook, you will learn how to:

  • Identify why you want to homeschool, and have it written out to refer back to all year long in case the going gets tough.

  • Understand the two main theories behind curriculum, and choose which you most agree with

  • Learn about homeschool philosophies, which have been helpfully grouped and condensed in a way that is still easy to understand so you can select those that resonate most with you.

  • Include your children in your homeschool planning - by observing and documenting the way they love to learn!

  • Determine your own teaching style, and think about how that will impact the curriculum you’ll want to teach

If this sounds like an activity you want to undertake I hope you’ll join me here and take the time to think through the above and tag me @mytexashomeschool on Instagram with your findings!


Pre-Reading Skills


5 Steps to start your Homeschool