Bilingual Homeschooling
Homeschooling is challenging enough without trying to throw additional languages in the mix. However, many of us want to do just that!
When introducing a second language into the mix, you may feel overwhelmed but you can do this! Knowledge is power and I have many people I’d recommend for bilingual homeschooling.
I personally write one Bilingual unit a month to accompany our monthly Nature Study Club curriculum that I am a writer and curriculum editor on. Aside from that, I do not pursue creating bilingual resources aside from morning pages.
We all have unique challenges and opportunities as bilingual homeschoolers. Let’s talk about what kind of instruction you may be looking for, first!
The following ladies have blogs or instagram accounts that are hugely helpful and I value the information all three of them share. I have spoken with them personally or worked with them on projects, plus purchased their resources.
Dayana at Cedar Hill Kids Homeschool - Blog and Resource store
Nisha at Homeschool Aventuras - Instagram
Lauren at Bilingual Together - Helpful blog and amazing seasonal morning basket curriculums. I have purchased her fall morning basket program.
Additional Resources I like and would use/have used:
Duolingo App - We do have the Super premium membership to have the whole family on the app. As a Spanish speaker who struggles with little elements of grammar and verb conjugations, I think it nailed my Spanish level really well and I’m learning a lot of the grammar I missed despite speaking fluently!
Spanish phonetic Reader: Nacho: Libro Inicial de Lectura (Coleccion Nacho) (Spanish Edition)
Montessori Spanish Workbooks
Wipe Clean: First 100 Words / 100 primeras palabras Bilingual (Spanish-English)

Bilingual Resources
Once a month, My Texas Homeschool releases a Bilingual Morning pages set to put in your busy binder or use daily as review. We also release a new bilingual unit monthly that closely matches the concepts in For the Love of Homeschooling Nature Study Club.